Ul. Milojke Štrukelj 13
5250 Solkan
Some home devices can break down during power outages. We developed an auxiliary charging system that takes care of permanent power connection of your devices.
We present a solution to conserve power while using wood-based central heating. If you fill your wood boiling stove and power goes out, radiator pump won't separate heat from the stove, which causes very high temperatures that permanently break the stove.
With our product's assistance that won't happen! Auxiliary charging system consists of a 12V/220V 150W inverter, 12V permanent charger and battery maintainer Hišnik, 12V lead battery and a 220V switching relay. When power goes out, the relay will automatically turn on the 12V/220V 150W inverter which will be charging itself via the lead battery and operate the water pump.
When power comes back, the system will automatically shutdown, at which point Hišnik will automatically charge and maintain the lead battery until the next power outage.
The two products that make our comprehensive solution for auxiliary charging in the event of a power outage – inverter and Hišnik – can also be used separately to convert voltage from 12V DC to 220V AC or maintenance of other batteries.
We guarantee flawless operation of your wood boiler stove, even when the power »goes out«.