Day running light switch-on module


Are you missing a module to switch your day running lights on and off for yoru vehicle? Has your original switch malfunctioned and/or broken down? Do you always turn on all 4 safety indicators when driving in reverse like the road safety law demands?

European Comission declared that after 2011 all new vehicles will need special day running lights.

In Slovenia and some other European states (link) a similar law has been in effect for many years, which is why we developed a special electronic switch for all vehicles that don't already have that module installed

Lučko is a device that automatically switches your day running lights on at the moment of ignition, with 10 second delay at most. As such, the battery is less burdened. When your engine is turned off, your day running lights will also switch off. The device also contains a module for automatic safety indicator switch when driving in reverse.

Let Lučko think about the traffic law for mandatory dimmed light usage and safety indicators while driving in reverse! Forget about worn out and malfunctioning light switches. Quick installation without interfering with the car's electric installation.

No need to pay the fine, be visible and drive safely.

12V or 24V Lučko for switching dimmed lights and safety indicators on/off V1.01 or V1.03.

12V Lučko for switching dimmed lights on/off V2.00.

Homologation number for Lučko is E26.

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