Ul. Milojke Štrukelj 13
5250 Solkan
Do you often drive a motorcycle, motorbike, scooter …? Sometimes you probably forget to switch your turn signals off even after turning. Are you being followed by angry hooting drivers because you forgot to switch your turn signals off?
Smeropisk warns motorcycle and motorbike users about forgotten turn signals by beeping. Forgetting to switch turn signals off can fool many drivers. We guarantee simple installation and a cheap solution that can protect you from many traffic accidents due to forgotten blinking turn signals.
Simple installation with just two wires.
Did you forget to switch your day running lights on or off again?
For the most part, the market only offers one-way warning signals that can only warn you either that you forgot to switch your day running lights on or that you forgot to switch them off.
We offer you possibility of two warning signals in the same product.
Godrnjač will warn you about forgetting to switch your lights on at ignition, but it will also warn you if you forgot to switch them off after stopping the engine!
Stop forgetting to turn your vehicle lights on or off.
We guarantee simple installation! Suitable for all types of cars and trucks.